Helpful Ideas and Resources

Here you will find suggestions that may be helpful if you are struggling with your mental health.

If you are struggling and do not feel safe right now, please visit StayingSafe where you will find ideas and support to help in a crisis.

If you’re finding things particularly hard and are worried you are not coping, the website SHOUT have some resources that can help. Take a look at their resources section for support.

Please also consider writing a Safety Plan. You can watch Jonny Benjamin talk through how to do this. Because none of us can predict when and if we will face a crisis, it is invaluable to create a personal safety plan when weare feeling well. Why not do this today?

When we feel well both physically and mentally, it can be easy to forget to do the things that help maintain our health. Here are some ideas from our sister charity IMARA that some of us do on a regular basis to help keep us mentally well.

Safely Held Spaces is an organisation that offers safe, compassionate and empowering support in local communities for those experiencing extreme mental and emotional distress and altered states, often called psychosis, and for people supporting them.

Finally, we are always looking for new ideas. Please get in touch with links/ideas/resources that have helped you personally and we will consider adding them to this page. Thank you!